Art Classes

FAll 2024 registration opens on June 15, 2024. Subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you receive all the updates.

Kalina Art Studio offers a multitude of children’s art classes.

Our program includes diverse art techniques and mediums that allow your child to express themselves in unique ways. From watercolors to acrylics, oil pastels to chalk pastels, tempera to collage and mixed media, our art classes offer a broad range of skills and materials for every budding artist.

Watercolor painting is the perfect medium to create delicate and soft artworks. Children will learn to control the flow of water, mix colors, and create different textures with this versatile medium. 

Acrylic paints provide vibrant hues, perfect for expressive paintings with bold contrasts and fine details.

Oil pastels are another fun and easy way to make colorful drawings with vivid pigments, while chalk pastels add a touch of delicate texture with vivid strokes that bring life to each canvas. Our tempera painting sessions also teach kids how to incorporate bold colors and expressive brush strokes to create dramatic effects.

In collage art, your child will use various materials, such as papers, fabrics, and other found objects, to create a unique artwork. Collage art allows them to develop their creativity and experiment with textures, colors, and patterns in a fun and engaging way.

Finally, mixed media artwork encourages children to explore new ways of creating images, combining different materials and techniques to create unique artworks through versatility and boundless creativity.

We have a passion for those kinds of lessons that allow our students to experiment with different materials and techniques.

We instill confidence and creativity in each student in a welcoming, inspiring environment. Our curriculum is designed to encourage and challenge children to try new things and express their personalities through art.  It’s always amazing how creative and unpredictable they can get!

Give your child the gift of self-expression by enrolling them in our art program. It’s a wonderful opportunity for children to meet new friends, try new things, and create lasting memories.